
HFS Dial Slim Wallet & Card Case

Created by HFSDial

Streamlined Versatility in a premium aluminum card case - make a statement with a modern wearable that can be customized to your liking

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 9 years ago – Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 09:34:43 AM


 and it should be [email protected]...

over 9 years ago – Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 09:39:28 AM

Hi Everyone, 


All SURVEYS have not been released yet as we are manually checking them over and leaving sometime for questions in between releases! Everyone will be reached in the next couple of days!


Looks like UPDATE #11 - PARTS LISTINGS and COLORS for the SURVEY was not our best moment and is in need of a bit more CHANGE...

The first picture is supposed to be as below and the important points are as follows,

1.   PLATE 1 is in FRONT and has the LOGO on the bottom right corner

2.   The MONEYCLIP connects to PLATE 2 in the BACK

If anyone needs to make a change to their SURVEY they can do so UNTIL JAN 12 2015.

So to turn the WORST DAY of CHANGES into the BEST DAY of CHANGES at HFSDial, we are going to send everybody a FREE mini screw driver for any future CHANGES YOU want to make! 


So we were able to get the CARBON to reduce the scan distance to under an inch over multiple tests and that seems to be about the limit. With extra layers of mesh the change was negligible over multiple tests. We will let you be the judge with some video!

VIDEO 1 - NO RFID protection (played at 0.5x speed)

 VIDEO 2 - SINGLE LAYER MESH (played at 0.5x speed)

VIDEO 3 - DOUBLE LAYER MESH (played at 0.5x speed)

over 9 years ago – Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 01:31:26 AM

Hi Everyone,

When picking your parts for the survey, it maybe helpful to have this e-mail update open so that you can refer to either of these part listings.

Please let us know through BACKERKIT, here on KICKSTARTER messages or through [email protected] if you have any questions!


Production and Color Survey!
over 9 years ago – Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 01:28:37 AM

Hi Everyone,

Before we forget, we want to wish everyone a Happy Holidays!

We also want to thank you for your patience.  We ran into a few unexpected challenges due to our difficult reward structure and customization options but have worked through them.  At this point in time we would just like everyone to know that a production order was already placed with our machining suppliers earlier this month!  It will take several weeks to be completed so our next step is to get everyone's color choices!

We will be sending an email with a special link to BackerKit surveys!  Don't worry if you don't get it right away, it may a couple days to get everyone mailed as we are staggering our surveys out by pledge level.

It is important that when you receive the survey, you get it back to us as quickly as you can. Our ability to ensure your color options and delivery to you depends on receiving this information.

You do not need to make a login and password to fill out your survey, just fill it out and you’re all good to go!

In the BackerKit survey, please answer any questions we may have regarding your pledge, provide shipping information, pay for international shipping if you forgot, and if you want you can even order more items or “add-ons”. This will all be part of the survey being sent to you!

If you’ve decided later that you filled out something wrong in the survey, you can actually go back and change it anytime before we announce the cut off date for changes.

If you use your Facebook login for your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit invite will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you have another email you prefer it to be sent to, please click on this support link (

FAQ about BackerKit:

1. I didn’t get my BackerKit email invite. Where is it?

You can resend your invite to yourself! Just go to the project BackerKit URL:, enter your email address, and your invite will be sent to your email inbox.

2. I want to sign back into, but I don’t remember the email I used for my account. How do I get it?

Please click on this support link ( and we will help you.

If you have any more questions about BackerKit:

Please check out, or email the team directly by clicking on this support link ( They’re happy to help!

Thank you!

And the winning color is...    GREEN!

Success!!! Thank you Thank you!!!
almost 10 years ago – Fri, Dec 05, 2014 at 09:57:47 AM

We just want to thank everyone who has made this possible!!!

We'll be posting updates to cover off all the exciting stuff like additional color winner, what upgrades we may add, and more detailed stuff like ensuring shipping costs and survey questions in the coming days. For now we just want you to know that we are extremely thankful that you liked what we did!  Consider us custom colored happy!

If you have any questions and concerns, please don`t hesitate to send a us a private message instead of a public comment so that we can ensure confidentiality of your information (for example your address and the like). We just ask you give us a day till we get back to you!

Until then, thanks again, and we'll be off to the production soon!