
HFS Dial Slim Wallet & Card Case

Created by HFSDial

Streamlined Versatility in a premium aluminum card case - make a statement with a modern wearable that can be customized to your liking

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update
about 9 years ago – Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 03:16:31 PM

Hi Everyone, yes we know, when is shipping?  Well it's about 2 weeks away.

It's been a long month, and finally we are completing the project.  Since the last update - The new parts did not arrive as scheduled and we were very disappointed. It ended up pushing back our anodization schedule and the last of the Purple or Green won't be done till the 16th due to the weekends needed for processing.  As such we will be staggering the majority of the shipping so that all other wallets without those colors will be shipped first.  We expect to have everyone, including Purple and Green choices, receive their wallet before May's end.  If you do not, please message us directly so we can check your personal information with you.

Some Final Production notes:

Black Screws - we ended up spending more for Military Spec black screws because we found the previous screws started to lose their black oxide coating with repeated removal, and then were not black anymore.

Hand Made - Money Clips - We tried hand finishing the money clips further after production to get smoother edges all around and it took a really, really, really long time.

Hand Made - Hand Assembly - it's "a nice to say" but is a really tedious process. So much so that we have purchased special precision torque screw drivers to help ensure the same torque specification up until the very last of the 18000 screws is put in.

Carbon Fibre - We never mentioned before that we changed our process. We figured out a way to make the carbon even more matte, smoother, and more durable than we originally created.  IMHO it looks much better than before so we started from scratch and made them all that way.  We really, really hope you like it as much as we do. And a really, really big THANK YOU to "the" Jamie, our carbon fibre guy.

Screw Drivers - We were screwed by our gift screw drivers.  The screw drivers we picked as our gift to you, which were to carry our logo, ended up not being the size stated and did not fit our #2-56 screws. As such we are getting replacements that are from another company....with their logo...

Cross our fingers, at this point, we hope we will not need to report anything before shipping.  Customization is great, but seriously time consuming.  We hope that you understand we have spent an enormous amount of time on this, much more than we ever could have imagined.  Our closest friends have a running joke, "where's my wallet, if you are _____, then you ain't making wallets".  Yes, yes we know.

We just want to thank all of you for your ongoing support and patience.  We hope that you will enjoy what we have literally carved out with our own hands.

Final Production Update - New Parts!
over 9 years ago – Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 07:13:31 PM

Hi Everyone,

It's been about a month again since our last update and good news! 

Following up on Part 3/4 issue, the production run of the updated parts was successful!  We ended up just ordering all new Parts 3/4 for every wallet and are currently waiting for the second batch of the delivery scheduled for this week! 

We did the same for the Cover part.  We just ended up ordering all new parts for every wallet! We started this wanting congruity so there was no point in shipping wallets with any possible variation. The updated spec Cover from the new production will arrive with Part 3/4 batch and final delivery is scheduled for the week following.

Barring any delays we will be in anodizing the following week. Most colors can be done during the weekdays, a few will require separate weekends for special processing.  Our plan is to stagger shipping of wallets with the colors we can get done first to speed things up.

With a little luck wallets should be start shipping before April's end!

Thank you for the continued support and patience!

Production and Delivery Update
over 9 years ago – Thu, May 28, 2015 at 04:05:54 AM

Hi Everyone,

It's been a busy month since our last update, a lot has happened since then!  Some good and some challenging.  Let's start from last we spoke.

We were looking at switching to a metal click lock.  It would have cost us almost double what the original plastic casing clicks would have cost but we did like the look of the metallic click casing.  The dimensions of the metal click lock were slightly different then that of the plastic click and after some initial test fitting during production we found that the clicking lock did not function as well as it did with the plastic lock.  The reason was that the distances and tolerances of the parts were designed for the plastic click.  We ultimately decided against switching it as too many changes would have to made to machining during our production for the metallic click to  perform with the same feel as the plastic click lock within our delivery time frame.

Next as mentioned recently in the comments we worked on tightening up the tolerances of the fitment between Plates 1 / 2 and Plates 3 / 4.  We were very happy that we were able to get a cleaner looking fit.  We were going to post a update about that this past weekend along with our final anodizing schedule during March, as well as our estimated ship times.



Which brings us to current.  During pre-anodization assembly of each wallet with randomly selected Cover parts with click locks inserted, we found a slight misalignment in the closing of the cover for what we think may affect a third of the wallets.  We say think because the click lock is inserted into the Cover piece after anodizing and is not removable so we cannot test every single part.  That is why we test fit random sample parts into all wallets in the pre-anodization assembly.   It is literally thousands of an inch but it is having repercussions on the smoothness of the click lock.  Again it is back to distances and tolerances. We did complete test fits during early production so we think something must have happened during the later production run. 


As we have let some of you know who have been asking about delivery dates through messages, we have been in meetings with the supplier since Monday to get the issue resolved.  Right now we feel it best to get new production samples of the Cover and Plate 3 / 4 completed to ensure better fitment.  Once completed we will do a small run then a larger run to ensure we do not encounter the same issue.

We feel it is the right move even though it will take a little longer as it affects the way the product feels.  Each wallet should click close in the same way, the way we spent months designing and testing.  We are unwilling to let this minute detail go and hope you understand our decision to improve our quality.  We should have the test pieces by early next week and can update after we do a test production run.  We are pushing to complete this process in about a month.   We have already spoken with one of our anodizers and they are making arrangements to update their schedule for us.  The colors Grey, Purple and Green are special dye runs and require specific time and equipment allotments from them.

We apologize for this delay and hope you can understand our commitment to quality.  We can answer any questions and concerns you may have, just send us message.

There are also still about 20 people we have not answered their surveys!  Please check your e-mails!

Production UPDATE!
over 9 years ago – Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 09:56:48 AM

First off before we get started, there are about 20 people who still have not responded to our invites to answering their surveys!!!  So if you have not picked your colours please send us a message so we can get it resolved!

Now on to the exciting part!!!  We have been waiting to post these pictures for you - close to completed parts from the first production run!!!  These are pictures from our first 1/3rd run which will finish this week!!!  There is still a lot to do before we get the parts ready for anodizing and assembly but we are working steadily towards the goal!

We do want to share with you one struggle that we are having at this time and that is the continuously falling Canadian dollar.  We are facing significantly higher production, part and shipping costs than ever expected with the Canadian currency drop since last fall!  A large portion of our costs are in US dollars.  We see many Canadian small business raising prices and can see cost effects even at the grocery store.  We want to assure everyone that our PRODUCTION and PRODUCT QUALITY WILL NOT BE AFFECTED.  In fact we are moving to upgrade the plastic detent casing from plastic to metal (it looks even better), as long as it has no negative effects.

Having said that, we are not yet a full fledged business and as such have even less flexibility in looking for cost savings.  We wanted to let everyone know that we may have to forgo our quick ship methods for parts to us and possibly our original packaging and quick shipping methods to you.  We are researching options to maintain our timelines and hope that you can understand that we are doing our best.  If you have any questions or concerns in relation to this please don't hesitate to message us!


Survey Update
over 9 years ago – Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 05:42:39 AM

Hi Everyone,

So far 80% of the surveys have been answered!

All the surveys invites were sent by Monday last week and we have just resent survey invites yesterday to everyone that has not yet answered . 

The survey invite is to a site called BACKERKIT.  Please check your SPAM/JUNK folder in case your e-mail may have filtered it.

Alternately go directly to and enter the e-mail you used for KICKSTARTER to start our survey without your invite!

Please message us if you still have any questions!

The survey end date is JAN 12 2015 so anyone looking to invite a friend, please spread the word with!!!  We appreciate it!

We'll see you in the new year, may it be your best so far!